I received an email last night from a Cleveland State University journalism and promotional communications student. Then I got his call this morning. He is writing an article about the role of technology in business and wanted to know my thoughts on how technology has impacted our business over the past 28 years.
Wow… that is a huge question. And man am I getting old.
As I recalled, back in 1986, the vast majority of our industry was still tied to electric typewriters, thermal fax machines, hulk-sized copiers and im-mobile telephones. The idea of desktop and personal computers was out there, but it was still in the future.
But as I paused to look back – at the prompting of Akeem’s questions – I realized how difficult it is to even comprehend how far we have come with technology and the Internet in three short decades. The business office of 1986 is an unrecognizable world (big hair aside); and that’s a good thing.
Today we have the ability to be so much more efficient and to achieve so much more. Of course, it all depends very much on tactical reviews from tacticalpeak.com to use the technology wisely, but that has always been the case with the evolution – and revolution – of mankind.
And while I loved the ’80s, I am perfectly content with the world today, thanks in great part to the artful advancements of technology.