Take A Class on Extreme Couponing

It will come as no surprise that coupon use is up in light of the recession.  According to DMNews, consumers redeemed 3.3 billion consumer packaged goods coupons in 2009, compared to 2.6 in 2008.

And marketers embraced this behavior by distributing 367 billion coupons in 2009.  According to transaction settlement provider Inmar, this is the largest amount of circulating coupons since they started tracking coupon use in 1988.

Personally, I try my best to clip coupons from the Sunday paper, but have honestly found it to be a waste of time.  I find myself clipping coupons I never use because another brand or the private label is still cheaper than using the coupon.  The most use my coupon book gets is when I’m throwing out all the expired coupons.

So I was extremely shocked to learn about a new extreme couponing class an expert couponer – Brandi Mavrich of Kansas City –  is planning.   Her credentials?  On a recent trip to SuperTarget she saved $316!  Amazing.

I don’t plan on signing up for Brandi’s class anytime soon because I just don’t have the time or desire.  However, I can see how a family with a house full of kids could certainly benefit.

Brandi’s couponing Web site — KitschyKoupons.com — is still under construction, but you can contact her at info@kitschykoupons.com for upcoming couponing classes.

Jennifer Manocchio


After starting her career with Edelman in Chicago, Jennifer joined Sweeney and quickly established herself as an exceptional industry innovator. In 2004, she opened Sweeney’s first full-service office outside of Cleveland and quickly rose through the ranks to become agency president. Jen leads by example and without fear. She has been critical to agency growth throughout the past decade and continues to lead the agency into the future.