Swim Apparel for Dogs

I was in Pet Smart yesterday getting Rachael Ray Nutrish cheap dog food for our boxer, Monty. (click here to see reviews of Rachael Ray Nutrish dog food). While checking out, a point of purchase display caught my attention.  It was Body Glove dog apparel.  I was totally shocked.  I thought I had seen it all, but now you can purchase Body Glove rashguards (SPF shirts), hooded shirts and even aqua boots for your dog’s paws!

Now I have to fully admit I’m a crazy dog owner.  I’m definitely helping to fuel the $46 billion pet care industry spending frivolously on things like doggie daycare, winter apparel (she is a true southern dog and hates the cold), and an Ohio State football jersey.  But I have to draw the line at a SPF shirt and aqua boots for Monty, even though she is a frequent boater and beach goer.

Monty on the boat with her PFD

She does have a life jacket for the boat so if she does jump off we don’t have to worry about her drowning.  So kudos to Body Glove for their new PFD (pet

flotation device) and kudos to Body Glove for seeing an opportunity to expand their product line. Although, I will not be purchasing any of their pet apparel anytime soon.With the U.S. pet care market expected to reach $56.5 billion by 2014 according to BCC Research, we can certainly expect to see more pet products we don’t think we need on store shelves.

Jennifer Manocchio


After starting her career with Edelman in Chicago, Jennifer joined Sweeney and quickly established herself as an exceptional industry innovator. In 2004, she opened Sweeney’s first full-service office outside of Cleveland and quickly rose through the ranks to become agency president. Jen leads by example and without fear. She has been critical to agency growth throughout the past decade and continues to lead the agency into the future.