Retailers Push Black Friday Limits

Retailers are hungry this year to meet holiday shopping sales goals. If seeing holiday decorations before Halloween wasn’t enough to prove this point, now the biggest shopping day of the year – Black Friday – is sneaking into our Turkey Day.

I was absolutely shocked when I received the Kohl’s mailer yesterday promoting the retailer opening at mid-night on Black Friday. But Kohl’s is not alone. Best Buy, Macy’s, Target and hhgregg are also opening at mid-night. Wal-mart will be opening at 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving night and ToysRUs is opening at 9 p.m.

At this rate, spending the day with the family on Thanksgiving will soon be a thing of the past. On a more positive note, I guess you can start your holiday shopping after your Thanksgiving dessert with an extra cup of Joe to keep you going.

Also, don’t think you have to wait until the paper is delivered on Thanksgiving to see the Black Friday specials. There are many sites online that post the Black Friday ads.

Happy shopping!

Jennifer Manocchio


After starting her career with Edelman in Chicago, Jennifer joined Sweeney and quickly established herself as an exceptional industry innovator. In 2004, she opened Sweeney’s first full-service office outside of Cleveland and quickly rose through the ranks to become agency president. Jen leads by example and without fear. She has been critical to agency growth throughout the past decade and continues to lead the agency into the future.