It is hard to believe we are remembering a tragedy that took place 8 years ago when many of the day’s events are so fresh in my mind. I’m sure most Americans will take a moment to reflect on where they were the day it happened, who they were with and the impact that it had on all our lives.
I was living in Chicago and working at Edelman on the 63rd floor of the Aon Center. My team was meeting early that day to conduct planning for our client. In fact, I was actually calling New York City to conduct some research for a spring Butterball Turkey event. I couldn’t figure out why the call wasn’t connecting.
The women sitting next me mentioned her dad said a plane hit the Twin Towers. We paused for a minute and kept on working. It never occurred to us to stop and see what was unfolding. A few minutes later my team rushed in and said we have to leave the building.
As we rushed out of the building, others were rushing in to work unaware of what just happened. Our VP grabbed a cab as fast as she could and told the cab driver to take us as far away from the city as possible. The cabbie said “Why you so afraid. You are Americans.” A chill ran down my spine. Little did we know how much this day would affect all our lives moving forward.
I will never forget the sacrifice the people in New York City and Flight 93 made, the families who are still grieving and the soldiers who continue to fight to protect American soil, including my husband.