Launched during the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, P&G’s “Thank You, Mom” advertising campaign continues to run strong just like our Olympic athletes. The new 2014 Olympic advertising campaign headlining video – launched January 5th on YouTube – already has close to 4 million views and is pulling at American’s heartstrings.
The video description tells it all… “For teaching us that falling only makes us stronger. For giving us the encouragement to try again. Thank you, Mom.”
In addition to this video, P&G created about a dozen longer videos showcasing athletes competing in the 2014 Olympics. These videos of course include moms sharing their sons’/daughters’ stories about how they became an Olympic athlete.
Here’s the story of Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir:
Besides the videos, P&G is supporting the campaign through social media on Facebook and Twitter
Brilliant campaign P&G!