Nothing against Yahoo!, I am sure this is a really big deal to them, but there’s been way too much noise about this logo design and no good reason for it.
Logos are such a big deal to organizations, and that makes sense. But when a company’s been around for a while – as Yahoo has – and they are just changing their logo for the sake of changing their logo, there is not justifiable cause for making a big deal out of it. To be perfectly honest, I have already forgotten what that old logo looked like.
JCPenney did the same thing… and a year later they are still playing around with the design.
Memo to corporate executives: NO ONE CARES.
Good products. Good services. Good locations. Good hours. Good prices. Good customer service. Good selection. Good deals. Good experiences. These are the things people care about… not logos.
Logos are brand marks… identifiers… visual symbols that allow us to quickly and easily connect dots in our braina: “Oh, yeah, I love this company!” or “No way, this company pollutes rivers and streams, I would never buy their products.” or “Didn’t the CEO of this company just get thrown into jail for SEC violations?”
Congratulations, Yahoo! Your 15 minutes is up.