Mobile Email Study: Consumers Highly Likely to Trash Email They Can’t Read on Smartphones

Mobile-email-marketingEnsuring email is readable on smartphones is critical according to a recent survey from Constant Contact and Chadwick Martin Baily. Of the 1,497 consumers who participated in the survey, 80% said it is “extremely important” to be able to read emails on their smartphones.

Even more important is the 75% that said they are “highly likely” to delete an email they cannot read on their smartphones. Marketers who haven’t incorporated mobile email display into their email marketing are running a huge risk of email being trashed.

On a positive note, if consumers do like what they see on their smartphone, more than two-thirds (79%) said they are “highly likely” to reopen the email on their laptop or desktop.

Some additional findings from the survey include:

• 88% of consumers ages 18 – 30 open email on their mobile device
• 85% of consumers ages 30 – 39 open email on their mobile device
• 74% of consumers ages 40 – 49 open email on their mobile device
• 71% of consumers ages 50 – 59 open email on their mobile device
• 66% of consumers ages 60+ open email on their mobile device
• 49% of consumers are likely to click on hyperlinks in mobile emails
• 82% of iPhone® owners open email on their mobile device
• 72% of non-iPhone owners open email on their mobile devices

For the full report, click here.

Jennifer Manocchio


After starting her career with Edelman in Chicago, Jennifer joined Sweeney and quickly established herself as an exceptional industry innovator. In 2004, she opened Sweeney’s first full-service office outside of Cleveland and quickly rose through the ranks to become agency president. Jen leads by example and without fear. She has been critical to agency growth throughout the past decade and continues to lead the agency into the future.