Pick a canard, any canard.
How about this: The world is going to end on December 21, 2012… oh wait, that didn’t happen. Global warming is going to flood every continent… oh wait, we are not sure if that is happening. North Korea is going to start a nuclear war… we’ll have to wait and see.
And anyway, those are pretty extreme examples. How about this: Obesity is killing Americans and destroying the healthcare system. Swine flu is back… or is it the bird flu? Facebook is launching its own smartphone… since that whole IPO thing worked out so well. Justin Bieber’s monkey is being held in quarantine.
Cell phones, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, texting, sexting, gambling, smoking, drinking, drugs, The Voice, NCAA Championship… has there ever been a time in the history of man with more distractions?
I am fairly certain that we are all in danger of evolving into the walking dead, or may in fact already be there. But I take solace in the words of the Cheshire Cat who assured Alice she had no reason to worry about “going among mad people.”
“Oh you can’t help that,” said the cat, “we’re all mad here.