We are launching a new consumer product with a limited marketing budget, do we really need a full-service agency to support us?
By Jim Sweeney
Yes… No… Probably not… Maybe not… I have no idea.
According to about.com: “A full-service agency is one that handles all aspects of the advertising process, including planning, design, production and placement. Today, full-service generally suggests that the agency also handles other aspects of marketing communications such as public relations, sales promotion, Internet and direct marketing.”
For me, “full-service” also implies that the agency provides essential research and strategic planning capabilities on the front-end as well as multiple execution services to help implement campaigns on the back-end.
The beauty of the full-service agency is it theoretically does not have a bias toward any one strategic solution (e.g., if I am a social media agency, then my solution to every problem is social media, but if I am a full-service agency, I am looking for the best solution overall).
Assuming you’ve already done all the necessary research and strategic planning, you have a launch plan and you know precisely what marketing services you need to contract (e.g. you need a PR agency to help you mount a targeted publicity and media relations campaign), then the answer is no, you do not need a full-service agency; you can hire a PR firm or a full-service agency with PR capabilities.
If you are not looking for an objective assessment of your marketing plan and you are not looking for alternate ideas or strategies to achieve your objectives within your budget limitations, then the answer is once again no.