A high priority among marketing professionals is recognizing target audiences both within and outside of your organization. Internal audiences can be identified as employees, teammates and any other internal roles that are critical to your company. This audience serves an important role and should be top of mind in each of your organization’s communication plans.
Emails: Love ’em or Hate ’em
Where marketing professionals and leadership sometimes disagree is how often you should or should not send communication to your internal audiences. Some employees may feel overwhelmed at a large number of messages from their employer. In turn, they may not read emails or notes that they receive that might contain important information. On the other hand, some may feel that leadership in their company does not care about them and is not transparent about issues they feel should be communicated.
Communication During a Pandemic
The coronavirus not only changed the norms for workplaces and employees but also how workplaces communicate with their internal audiences. When the pandemic began, companies prioritized communicating quickly to their own employees about the changing landscape due to a global pandemic. New guidelines set by the government and health organizations occurring in real-time influenced leadership to send multiple emails and alerts each week. Employees received communication to ensure they were aware of new processes being put in place and how decisions would affect the capacity to do their job. Constant communication became the “new normal” during the stay-at-home period. These messages included facts and key details that each employee wanted to know and provided insight into the steps the company was taking for their safety. Many emails included quotes of inspiration and compassion to relay understanding and gratitude during this uncertain time.
What Now?
But now as the workplace is slowly opening up, when does the right amount become “too much”? Marketing professionals should navigate this new aspect of communication by reaching out directly to employees. Employees that valued transparency before the pandemic will want leadership to maintain the communication displayed during this time, while others have heard enough and do not want to receive any more emails. Before sending an internal communication, ensure it contains necessary facts or information, updates that are needed for employees to successfully do their job, or a token of gratitude and just leave out any of that annoying “fluff.”
Need some advice on how to create a strategy to successfully communicate with your internal audience? Send us an email at hollyn@sweeney.agency!