The employees. The clients. The vendors.
The friends, supporters and allies. The open-minded, optimistic visionaries.
The ones who saw our potential… and believed.
They’re not your regular Joes. They ignore consensus and buck the trends.
You can question them, doubt them, disagree with them, shun them or even applaud them. But you cannot ignore them. Because they made it all possible.
They toiled. They sweated. They imagined. They created. They inspired. They pushed us all forward.
They are special.
How else can you look at a crazy young kid with a crazy idea and see potential? Or listen to this kid babble about his future and know that he will achieve his dream? Or take a risk on an unknown outcome?
While some see them as people, we see them as special.
Because the people who are special enough to believe in and support a dream are the ones who make dreams come true.
Thank you associates and partners and clients and vendors and friends and families – past, present and future. Thank you all for 30 magical years of dream making.