In the spirit of the holiday, I wanted to offer my Top [Pick Your Own #] list of things that are really scaring me this Halloween.
1. I just learned that Molly Ringwald is 44 years old and singing jazz music in local clubs… Where’s Ducky?
2. LinkedIn sent me an update yesterday for an article entitled: “17 Reasons Why Organizations Ignore Research Findings on Strategic Employee Communications”
3. That LinkedIn article also featured: “a list of 48 checkpoints that practitioners can use to assess the relative strength of the communication foundations in their organizations.”
NOTE TO THE MATH-IMPAIRED: That’s 65 reasons and checkpoints… that’s not an article, that’s a directory.
4. The government and the CDC seem to know as much about ebola as they do about global warming.
5. A new economic report finds that “Consumers are perkiest in more than seven years.” I don’t know what that means, and I don’t want to know what that means.
Can someone just wake me when Halloween and Jason and all the candy are gone?