“Through no virtues and accomplishments of our own, we have been fortunate enough to be born in the United States under the most comfortable conditions. We, therefore, have a responsibility to others who are less well off.”
During the mid-1960s, Robert Kennedy spoke these words about his father. Just a few years later, in June 1968, Edward Kennedy repeated these words in eulogy of his brother.
There is very little that touches me more than a string of simple words speaking obvious truths. These words are a perfect example. Consider how they have passed the test of time – for better or worse. One could easily close his or her eyes and imagine these words spoken today, rather than four decades ago.
It matters not who speaks them. What makes them real and makes them last is that they are genuinely great ideas. I often speak to clients and associates about the concept that marketing and public relations are only tools (like words) that convey or communicate ideas. If they are great ideas, then the marketing and public relations can have tremendous impact and great staying power. “So,” we advise them, “concentrate on being a great company that produces great products and services.”
Anyway, this post is not intended so much to encourage conversation about marketing and public relations. It is a reminder that those of us who by choice or chance are in the position to do good necessarily have an obligation to help those who are not in the same position. This is a simple idea that makes America work, that made America great. This is a great idea.
Thank you Bobby.