EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All About It.

Once upon a time, while a Mass Communications major at Cleveland State University, I conducted a research project to prove a three-part theory:

Part 1: Most newspaper readers mostly read headlines and not full stories
Part 2: Most headlines are sensationalized and do not reflect the true content of the article
Part 3: Lots of people assume the content of the story based on the headline and share it via word-of-mouth

My research supported my theory and I was all fired up about this, but then I graduated and I became an agency professional and time went by and then newspapers started dying. But I had a dream last night about a rather strange and globally read newspaper – Alternative International News Times. Here are just a few of the headlines I remember:

White House Gives Trillions to Business, Then Takes It Right Back With Health Care Plan
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Best Buy Offers Preferred Parking Status to Big Screen TV Owners.

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Indians Finally Win World Series; Forced By Congress To Change Team Name To Cleveland Caucasians

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Michael Jackson Still Dead; Larry King Still Alive

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US Department of Labor Blog Says Twitter Negatively Impacts Productivity

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Study Says Coffee Cures Cancer, Causes Heart Failure

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Tiger Woods Finally Wins 15th Major; Apologizes To Fans For Long Wait
Jimmy Kimmel To Replace Conan; Conan To Replace Jimmy Fallon; Jimmy Fallon Not That Funny
Legalized Pot Rescues California Economy; Legalized Pot Rescues California Economy

All the news that fits, we print.

Jim Sweeney


Jim is a veteran of the agency industry and the founder of Sweeney. He is uncommonly passionate about the idea of creating and implementing insanely great marketing campaigns that achieve insanely great results. He pioneered the full-service, full-circle agency model and continues to forge new ideas in an ever-changing industry. And he is accessible to everyone about anything, seemingly all the time, serving as a mentor to all agency personnel and clients.