8 Ways to Merchandise Media Coverage

The benefits of media coverage do not have to stop once the coverage appears. Continue to use the media coverage to reap the benefits of the media’s endorsement.  Below are eight easy ways to further maximize media coverage.    

1.  Post on your website.

2.  Post a link to the coverage on your social media sites.

3.  Share with your sales team to in turn share with their clients. 

4.  Incorporate into customer or industry presentations.

5.  Share directly with your customers.  Conducting any direct marketing to promote a product? Include a link to or excerpt of the coverage.

6.  Use as a handout at trade shows or sales presentations. 

7.  Promote on product packaging.  For example, as seen on the Today Show.

8.  Promote in advertising.

Note:  Media content is copyrighted. Ensure you are following appropriate guidelines when promoting the coverage. For example, if you share media coverage publicly (website, trade show, direct marketing, etc.), you need to secure reprint rights from the media outlet. Depending on the outlet, there could be a cost involved.




Jennifer Manocchio


After starting her career with Edelman in Chicago, Jennifer joined Sweeney and quickly established herself as an exceptional industry innovator. In 2004, she opened Sweeney’s first full-service office outside of Cleveland and quickly rose through the ranks to become agency president. Jen leads by example and without fear. She has been critical to agency growth throughout the past decade and continues to lead the agency into the future.