With so much buzz about maximizing the ROI for marketing and public relations, it’s no wonder a top question of clients is how do we show the measurable results of our work.
To effectively present your successful results, here are a few tips:
- Determine the type of results you are seeking before you get started. For example, are you interested in coverage, impressions, engagements, conversions?
- Track your coverage. Use a clipping service and/or search and review media publications for coverage.
- Save images of the coverage for future display.
- Employ a dashboard reporting system that documents results from month-to- month and year-to-year.
- Support the dashboard with a recap report that clearly documents the campaign goals, strategy execution and results (placements, impressions, engagements, conversions).
Finally, share the recap report and dashboard with key internal and external audiences, including campaign team members, vendors, customers, prospects, etc. You put in the hard work to be successful, so merchandise the results!