After months of talking about launching a campaign, a client recently called to inform us they were in a rush to get the first key elements of the campaign running. They wondered how quickly we could get things done, since the finish line wasn’t far away. There was no plan, but there were plenty of tactics ready to go.
No matter the tactics, campaigns are like races. When running a race, you train up until the day-of. You plan out your training schedule months in advance, varying your distances and terrain depending on what kind of race you are running. You strategize.
Here at Sweeney, we preach strategy. Any successful campaign takes planning and well thought-out delivery – yes, even the fast-paced world of social media. That does not mean you need a ton of time to plan a successful campaign, but strategy is key to ensure you meet your goals efficiently and effectively. You do not sprint through the entire beginning, middle and end of the race.
How do you start planning? Start at square one: what do you want to accomplish? Then, look at your audience and tactics. Determine which tactic(s) is the best fit for what you want to communicate and who you want to communicate with. This does not mean you have to narrow it to one tactic – consider an integrated approach as well. Weigh your options.
The key here is jog the race at a pace that works for you. Set deadlines and meet them, but do not start sprinting at the start line. If you start out sprinting, you may be disappointed in the outcome, and that is time and money wasted.